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Black hawk down game free download for pc full version. Delta Force Black Hawk Down PC Game Free Download


Game ini memberi kebebasan dengan cerita, ia memberikan banyak latar belakang tentang sejarah dari apa yang terjadi. Game ini realistis dalam arti grafis, persenjataan dan fisika yang lumayan. Model karakter, senjata, serta lingkungan yang sangat terperinci dan terlihat natural. Desain level fantastis sepanjang permainan, meskipun peta tidak terlalu besar namun cukup bagus.

Game ini juga pada dasarnya ini memiliki kontrol yang dapat disesuaikan dan sangat responsif. Anda mulai sebagai seorang prajurit yang dikirim ke Somalia di Afrika untuk menghentikan para teroris yang membunuh para penduduk. Anda adalah prajurit tanpa nama, tetapi Anda dapat mengatakan bahwa Anda berada pada peringkat yang cukup tinggi. Anda akan memulai dari berlari ke helikopter dan menyaksikan baling-baling menembak debu ke arah Anda.

Game ini dibagi menjadi dua perspektif yang berbeda, yang lebih merupakan mode tutorial, dan yang kedua yang sebenarnya adalah gameplay, dan kampanye. Seperti kebanyakan game FPS yang ada Anda disini akan melakoni sebuah misi petualangan dengan senjata dihadapan Anda dan musuh yang bersenjata lengkap. Anda harus menghabisi mereka atau dihabisi mereka. Secara keseluruhan, game ini adalah FPS yang berharga, dan tidak boleh dilewatkan oleh penggemar genre apa pun.

Jika Anda adalah penggemar game tembak tembakan perang lawas ini adalah seri yang bagus yang harus dicoba. Grafis tidak pernah menjadi titik kuat dari seri ini, tetapi tidak bisa disangkal bahwa game ini adalah game Delta Force yang terbaik hingga saat ini. Related Posts.


Black hawk down game free download for pc full version


The game covers the story and the real incidents of when US Army Operations teams along with the peace keeping United Nations army teams engage in several missions in Somalia and Mogadushu. It is the sixth main installment of Delta Force Game series. Moreover, it is the direct sequel to the earlier released game named Delta Force Task Force which released in the year Most importantly, Both single and multiplayer gameplay modes included to play the game in either offline or online mode.

After the successful release of the Delta Force Task Force in the year developers immediately start the development next entry in the series. It released as Xbox version on July in North America. Nova Logic Inc. Furthermore, the additional content containing the new army character classes, new weapons, new armor vehicles, and some new maps published through an expansion pack.

Black hawk down game free download for pc full version also included with two new campaign mission set in Iran and Colombian islands. Delta Force Black Hawk По этому сообщению For Pc is a peace force military operations shooting, tactical, action and adventure role playing game. The player is the part of three member fight squad loaded with mighty combat skill and a unique verity of lethal weapons. Each of ppc character has to perform according to his character class to fight during the missions.

Sniper assault riffles, hand grenades, blasting anti personal mine and pistols fgee with silencer used to knock down the brutal enemies. The players can shuffle between weapons at any time during fighting. Players also got the useful powerful weapons which dropped from the enemies. On the other hand, the players can select black hawk down game free download for pc full version of the character as a commander who orders them to hold firing positions, handle the advancing enemies by putting them on the edge of fire power fulp to protect the companion by cover fire.

Furthermore, newly added Chat system enables all the players to keep connected with other members in important conversations by using modern techniques as using radio transmitters, walkie talkie and other satellite devices. Joint military operations held in the darkest and horrible unknown places of several valley where the players landed through parachutes. Various type of combat style introduced to increase the excitement of посетить страницу источник players by making the game more challenging in fast paced bullet hell.

As these military operation team members can perform their action boarded at the cobra gun ship helicopters /16255.txt heavy shelling by wide ranged mortar and double barrel guns. In addition, downloda players can use the mobile armored vehicles to engage the enemies in a new way. Through progress the game, Players нажмите для продолжения by in game experience gake when killing any of the enemies in the battle field.

These earned resources and in game money spent to increase the abilities of players. Like vownload upgrading and unlocking new weapons, ammunition boxes, accessing to new missions and buy new lives for the players.

Progress through the missions saved automatically. And player can access these mission at the next time at the later time easily. When a team complete a mission and fully clear the whole area from enemies. They win the round and awarded with winning points /5179.txt rewards. Generally the game received mostly positive reviews from critics. With achieving the sale of copies at its release just in United Kingdom.

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