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Microsoft office 2007 professional configures each time you start free download. Word 2007 launches "Configuration Process" every timeMicrosoft office 2007 professional configures each time you start free download -
Makes me laugh and cry Obviously yours is so good. Best regards! Thanks that worked perfectly with Windows 7 as the OS I spent 2 days hunting and was about to give up when I found your post. Thanks so much. I had to run Regedit and manually enter the value in there but now works like a charm if anyone would like a step by step walk thru to do this email me at Matt gmail.
You need to change this to 1 leave the base as Hexadecimal. Thank very much. Thank you so much for this, if this didn't work my next step was to call the Microsoft rep. Thank you again, i was so happy when i was able to open my pages without waiting to reconfigure. I'm having this issue with Office on Win XP.
The reg key worked for Word , but unfortunately, Excel still brings up the installation every time it opens. Anyone else? This absolutely worked for me. Thanks for the help. I tried using Office's fix-it tool, and I tried deleting and restoring the shortcuts.
Neither of those solutions worked for me. I guess they worked for others, but I'm curious as to how you knew this. I've had this problem for years, after installing a now obsolete and temporary version of office that was offered to college students. Your line fixed my problem immediately.
I can't express my gratitude enough. Thank you. The re-installation issue stopped for. Good Luck. That was helpful. Thank you! I was having trouble opening Excel normally as described by all others in this thread. I have Office Enterprise running on XP. Thanks to 8vdude8. Thanks, it worked for me on Windows 7 bit with Office Enterprise When I tried to open Word, the installer would run the configuration process but only when opening a Word document.
Yes it worked I'm very excited I've had the obnoxious issue of Microsoft Word on Windows 10 re-configuring every time I brought it up. It seems that there is more than one cause to this problem. I am using Windows 10 and this helped me to get the configuration to stop when I open Word but when I open Excel it gives me an error message and the configuration process each time still. Is there another command or some way to make that stop?
Just had the same problem with opening Word in Windows Brilliant - fixed it! No longer wants to configure every time. Office Office Exchange Server. Not an IT pro? Resources for IT Professionals. Sign in. United States English. Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Answered by:. Archived Forums. This IT Professional forum is for questions, feedback, or anything else related to setting up and deploying Office versions prior to Sign in to vote.
ANY information would be appreciated!!! Thanx a lot lby. Monday, January 14, AM. Hope this helps. Monday, December 21, PM. I didn't see any error regarding MS Office in the Event Viewer, and sure enough, your procedure didn't seem to work for me. I'm running the Win7 Enterprise Trial right now, and it seems that for all the Win7 releases so far, the easiest way to get Office to work again is to rename the setup file as something else, so the reconfiguration process isn't even started. The one disadvantage of this is that you cannot uninstall the program before renaming the file back to the original name, but people rarely uninstall it anyways Updates continue to work, but after Service Pack updates for Office, the setup file seems to be restored, so the procedure would have to be redone after another Office service pack is installed.
This procedure has worked for me every time without fail, so hopefully it will work for others as well. Wednesday, September 9, AM. I'm thinking about clean slate Tuesday, July 15, PM. I finally found a solution for this problem by digging inside the event viewer. DPC now run any office program it will work.. I hope this help.. Monday, February 9, AM. Have you received any answers yet?
I would gladly pay, but as Microsoft is having trouble with this, I don't know that a 3rd party program would fix it either. I'm waiting for tech support to respond a 2nd time. Was hoping that you have an answer Wednesday, January 23, PM. Hi I don't get error messages just the wait every time I open a word document. Tuesday, April 1, PM. Garth01 wrote: Hi I don't get error messages just the wait every time I open a word document. Sunday, April 20, PM.
I am getting the exact same message. Evey time I open the first message, open or copy a contact, or close Outlook it opens the "Configuration Progress" window and asks to restart when it's done. I have clicked yes on the prompt two times now and it continues to happen. Now I click No and continue. Word and Excel do not have this issue for me, only Outlook.
So far, every forum thread I have read about this issue has not been resolved and the earliest thread I found started in January Microsoft help us! Monday, June 16, PM. I am having the exact same issue. Why isn't Microsoft responding to this and this thread!??! Monday, July 7, PM. That did nothing for me. But I am glad it worked for you. Saturday, July 26, PM. TVM for your help. I was going crazy trying to solve this. At first your fix didn't work. DPC rather than 11 like yours.
I renamed the file I created and it works perfectly. Thanks again! Friday, June 5, PM. Wednesday, June 10, AM. I have similar problem with same sort of messages as jlewisoakes depending on which Office product I try and open. Any help appreciated. Wednesday, June 10, PM. I had the exact same problem as jlewisoakes, DGP which soon drove me crazy waiting for the reinstqalls to finish each time I wanted to use Outlook.
I refered the issue to Microsoft Techncial Support, and they were fantastic. Worth giving them a try. My laptop is now running perfectly. Good luck! Tuesday, July 7, AM. Nothing worked and it was driving me crazy until I saw someone suggest to remove the shortcuts on the start menu and copy new ones from the Office 12 folder. It worked. Right click and delete. EXE icons for all the Office applications and right click.
Right click and select "Paste Shortcut". If you desire, rename each shortcut. You are done! Hopefully this should work. I suggest trying this first, before attempting any of the other solutions suggested by Microsoft which require you to mess with the Registry and what not. Hope this helps Lina.
Sunday, July 12, PM. Good tip Mazen, it works NM Thursday, July 23, PM. Works good Mazen, thanks for that. Saturday, August 29, AM. Can anybody help me use the Event Viewer? I don't know how to find out what file my Office pack is looking for. Help would be much appreciated. Saturday, August 29, PM. Another event's description was: The description for Event ID 0 in Source gupdate1cceb0c cannot be found.
Proposed as answer by krishnappu Sunday, June 26, AM. Wednesday, September 16, PM. I also had this problem. The problem is occurred automatically sometimes by wrong installation. Tuesday, September 22, AM. I'd just like to add that there are several different versions of this same problem. Sunday, October 11, AM.
Tuesday, October 20, PM. Thanks S Hunter Simpson!! I was just about to uninstall and then reinstall Office when I read your suggestion. So far it seems to have worked perfectly.
And it was so fast and easy, too! Wednesday, October 21, PM. I recently installed 7 pro and office ultimate and did this and it worked great. Thank you so much. Wednesday, October 28, AM. Hi qaas I try your instruction but there is no event with description like yours. DPC file. Can you help me how to track the Event Viewer to find out which file.
DPC my computer needs. Thanks in advance HoanNguyen. Tuesday, November 3, AM. I was having the exact same problem and got it figured out up to the point of using the winword. However, my next problem to fix would be to be able to double-click on a word file in windows explorer and have it open in word without the windows installer popping up. I can't seem to get that part figured out! Any ideas on how to figure that out? Friday, November 13, AM. It Worked just fine. Thursday, November 26, PM.
I cannot find an event that says anything about a. This is the 2nd warning "! Client Process Id: All this happens within the same second upon trying to double-click a word file to open it. I am totally lost, I have tried a lot of things to fix it, and reinstalling my system is a ridiculous option. I tried MazenBay's solution, but I can't find what specific. Where did you find this file? Friday, November 27, AM.
Thanks a million 8vdude8, your fix worked for me too. I've been posting to forums including Microsoft Discussion Groups for over a month now, but nobody has offered a solution that worked until yours :. Sunday, December 6, AM. Yeah, well been there done that before and it is a real pain to reinstall everything and shouldn't be necessary just to get rid of this problem that as I can see has not only been a daily annoying time consuming problem for me, it has been for everyone.
I am running Vista Home Premium, have tried all kinds of recommended fixes and nothing seems to work! I began with basic software on my computer, but because I am used to working with Microsoft Office Professional at work, have had earlier versions with all the bells and whistles I had to have at least installed.
I found what I thought was a great deal on Office Professional onliine, purchased, installed it, enjoyed it for a while until I went online and did an online genuine Microsoft scan and learned it was considered counterfeit. I did want was required I tried the above recipes and they have not worked for me, but as others have noted Appreciate the dialog!
Tuesday, December 8, PM. Thank you - it worked. Priblem solved. I was getting very stressed with this problem. Wednesday, December 30, PM.
Re-start the PC and then re-install the Office That absolutely helped me and suppose that is the best way to do in this particular case.
Fondly, Guven. Friday, January 8, AM. Firefighter47, Thank you very much!! I have never had a computer problem solved so easily. Sunday, January 17, PM.
This worked for me I'm running windows 7 x64 and Office enterprise bit. Sunday, January 31, AM. Thanks so much My laptop now also has a no setup folder.. Tuesday, March 23, PM. None of the above information worked for me. Thursday, April 22, PM. I highly recommend this link. Wednesday, May 5, PM. Thank you all Im on XP. Wednesday, May 12, PM. Tuesday, May 25, AM. DPC I have had this problem for months and nothing I have tried has resolved it, includin checking all of the above.
Saturday, June 5, AM. Pete Same here! This is what my event properties window says for the failure: Faulting application winword. Sunday, June 20, AM. Your suggestion worked just fine!
Thanks a lot for solving this "old" problem. Friday, June 25, AM. The following could help you. Cos i had the same problem and the following changes worked.
Exit Word Start Registry Editor. Proposed as answer by Sam. Kutondo Friday, April 26, PM. Friday, June 25, PM. I tried this and I still get the configuration window. Monday, June 28, PM. Thank you, thank you, thank you Your way is incredibly fast and it works!! Sunday, July 4, AM. That was best and simplest solution Wednesday, July 7, PM. Friday, July 30, PM.
In the permissions for Installer dialog box, click Administrators in the Group or user names list, and then make sure that the Full Control permission is set for the Administrators group. If this permission is not set, click to select the Full Control check box under Allow. Click OK. Repeat steps 5 through 6 for the Everyone group. Verify that only the Read permission is set for the Everyone group.
If this permission is not set, click to select the Read check box under Allow. Monday, September 13, PM. Thanks very much ClarkIT. Wednesday, September 22, PM. Had this problem for the first time ever but it was on an acer. Generally this worked for me.
Friday, September 24, AM. Wednesday, October 20, PM. Saturday, November 13, AM. Tuesday, November 30, AM. Thanks for the great solution. Benn trying to solve this problem and have tried lots of solutions, but this one did it! Thursday, December 30, PM. Saturday, January 15, PM. Tuesday, January 25, PM. Worked like a charm! Thanks a mil Saturday, January 29, AM. Thank you for sharing your knowlodge, it was really helpful.
I wonder now if Excel will save and function properly running in safe mode. What a world. Saturday, February 5, PM. After the registry fix, nothing happened on-screen, but now my system opens Word and no longer brings up the installer for Word !
That annoyance took a half dozen key clicks with annoying messages. Thursday, February 10, PM. Monday, February 14, PM. Monday, February 21, AM. Thursday, February 24, PM. Thursday, March 3, AM. Wednesday, March 30, AM. It works on windows 7 home premium x64 bits. Saturday, April 16, PM. Worked for me too thanks very much.
Tuesday, April 19, PM. I have tried all the suggestions to no avail but after following your instructions, the programmes open immediately without a hitch Edit Some info. Friday, May 6, PM. Wednesday, June 22, AM. To: 8vdude8 Thank you for the quick and easy solution you provided. It worked like a piece of cake, slice of pie.
Great solution without having to tweak the registry. More power to you. Saturday, June 25, AM. Tuesday, June 28, PM. Tuesday, July 5, PM. Instead of taking and trying so many tricks and tips as suggested here, it is advisable to take appropriate step with regard to Event Viewer message, particularly related to Event ID found after opening saved word document as there seems to be more than one reason for the error.
Monday, July 11, PM. Wednesday, July 20, AM. WOrked great for word, but what do you key for Excel? Thanks for your help. Thursday, July 21, PM. Yes, It works on XP. Saturday, July 30, PM. Please please help me! Thursday, August 11, PM. That is until it started acting up again. I didn't have to because the programme is running perfectly without any changes. Just a thought!!! Saturday, August 13, PM. It fixed my problem :D. Monday, August 22, AM. I found a non-geek solution. Click Browse.
Locate the Office folder, click the Winword. The Winword. Sunday, August 28, AM. Monday, August 29, PM. Tuesday, September 27, AM. Surprised you all seem to have had so much success renaming the setup. Monday, October 3, AM. Wednesday, October 5, AM. Wednesday, October 19, PM. I downloaded a backup copy from Microsoft, removed Office Home and Student and rebooted and re-installed and problem went away. Thursday, October 27, PM.
Sunday, February 19, PM. MAZEN's suggestion works!!!! Sunday, February 26, AM. Sunday, March 11, AM. Wednesday, March 21, PM. Edited by fishface6 Thursday, April 12, AM. Thursday, April 12, AM.
Monday, April 23, PM. Wednesday, June 20, PM. Thursday, July 5, PM. Thanks that did the trick! Sunday, July 22, AM. FIX: 1. Go to Control Panel - add or remove programs. Your MS Office will then start right up without any problems. Proposed as answer by shribah Saturday, September 1, AM. Sunday, July 22, PM. It'll be in either "Program files" or "Program Files x86 2. Saturday, September 1, AM. Saturday, September 1, PM. This worked a treat on Windows 7.
It's been driving me crazy. Many thanks indeed Wednesday, September 26, PM. However, I tried using your advice for an Office 12 installation to no avail. Any other suggestions? Tuesday, October 30, PM. I have window 7 install on my computer and I think the problem come with that window 7. Click on recommended parameter, It's direct me to '' Window XP service pack 2'' Click on start the program, click next Yes register with those parameters Everithing now open fast Hope helps for you, Robcha Friday, December 28, PM.
Did not work for me. Monday, March 11, AM. It also worked for me on Windows 8. Thanks a lot. Monday, March 18, AM. A really BIG thanks to doubleuiam. My MS Office is working perfectly in Windows 8. Thursday, March 28, PM. Monday, April 1, PM. Thank you 8vdude8!
Your solution is definitely the one for me. I tried absolutely all other options in this post and none worked, only yours did! Thank you for posting! Monday, April 22, PM. Kutondo 0. Thanks George, your solution worked flawlessly for me. Much appreciated. Friday, April 26, PM. Hello I read this thread with interest as Ive been trying to resolve the launch of the installer wizard every time we launch Office Home and Student or double click a document on my daughters Dell computer.
Saturday, April 27, PM. Thanks - UGW. Proposed as answer by brianzebra Wednesday, June 12, AM. Saturday, June 1, AM. Worked For Me Monday, June 10, PM. Wednesday, June 12, AM. Worked like a charm!! Boy that was an irritating problem.. Monday, June 24, PM. Thank you so much, this worked. Thank you thank you thank you!! Wednesday, June 26, PM. Worked simply and like a charm! Wednesday, July 3, PM.
Works perfectly on my Vista Business with SP2. Monday, July 29, AM. Thanks a lot for this MY office works fine now with that code. Tuesday, July 30, AM. I have Office running on Windows 7 Starter. Was getting that configuration problem every time i opened word application. This solved my problem Thanks a million. Saturday, August 3, AM. You will be left with the correctly named SETUP file, and will no longer have the configuration issue.
Just an FYI. Saturday, August 10, AM. This did the trick for me. No longer waiting and waiting just to open Word. Monday, August 26, PM. This solution fix my problem of Office Configuration wizard runs every time I start Word Application. Tuesday, September 3, AM. Method 3: Start Office in safe mode. To do this, follow these steps:. If the problem does not occur in safe mode, this issue might be related to third-party add-ins.
Disable the add-ins and start Office to see whether the problem continues to occur. To disable the add-ins, follow these steps:. On the File menu, click Options , and then select Add-ins. Click Go next to the Manage field that displays "Com-in Add.
If the problem does not occur after un-checking the add-ins, repeat the procedure and select one add-in at a time. Restart Office, and continue to add check marks until the issue reappears again. The last add-in that was rechecked should be disabled. If the problem continues to occur in safe mode, we recommend that you uninstall Office and then install it.
To do this, read the following Microsoft knowledge base article: How to uninstall Office , Office or Office suites if you cannot uninstall it from Control Panel? Check whether the problem is fixed. If the problem is fixed, you are finished with this section. If the problem is not fixed, you can contact support. Need more help? Expand your skills.
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